I'm already Fixed by GrezFix !

by - 11:15 PM

Hello FUN !!
I can't wait for this time coming .Ngabuburit with Grezfix crew !
Yeaaaaa Grezfix is a fixie community in Gresik. Why i am so excited? bcz is the first time i'm in :D 
This event is presented by Cak & Yuk Gresik and they're invited GrezFix community to enjoy. This event held in Malik Ibrahim's car park. You know that place is too faaaarrr from my house ! But i'm lucky that day bcz i was accompanying by my neighbor. Galih. Haha !

Event started with 'gowes' around, games, and then berbuka puasa bersama :D
Sumpah, asik gitu ikut acara inii, soalnya baru pertama kali sih yaa. Hihi. But we got an accident when going home, my fixie bike getting worse. He is became a one ped bike. Hahahaha. Soalnya pedalnya yg sebelah kiri itu agak lodok gitu, trus sampe akhirnya nge-los -________-"
Poor Galih who was riding him :(

There are the picture of lombanya anak fixie gresik .. lomba nyekid, lomba berdiri di atas sepeda tanpa jatuh .. Which one the most funny is the boy with black-pink bike, dia duduk di atas frame tanpa jatuh. Caranya nggerakin roda depan doang, haha. His bike must be a doltrab.

grezfix crew :)
can you find me ? 

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